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HPTET GK Mock Test-7

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 7

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 7

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) कुफरी जीवन व् कुफरी जयोति प्रदेश में उतपन्न होने वाली किस फसल की दो प्रसिद्ध फसलें हैं-
(A) आलू
(B) गेहूं
(D) चावल

(2) हिमाचल में कितने हेक्टेयर क्षेत्र में कृषि की जाती है-
(A) 10.12 लाख हेक्टेयर
(B) 10.14 लाख हेक्टेयर
(C)10.20 लाख हेक्टेयर
(D) 15.18 लाख हेक्टेयर

HPTET GK Mock Test-6

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 6

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 6

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) प्रदेश के प्रथम राज्यपाल कौन थे-
(A) डॉ यशवंत सिंह परमार
(B) शांता कुमार
(C)एस. चक्रवती
(D) इनमे से कोई नहीं

(2) "नाको झील" किस जिले में स्थित है
(A) सिरमौर
(B) किन्नौर
(D) कुल्लू

HPTET GK Mock Test-5

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 5

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 5

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) ऊना,हमीरपुर जिले की पहाड़ियों का क्या नाम है-
(A) शिवालिक
(B) अरावली
(C)पीर पंजाल
(D) .इनमे से कोई नहीं

(2) प्रदेश की चम्बा घाटी को अन्य किस नाम से जाना जाता है-
(A) सतलुज
(B) रावी
(D) बैत

HPTET GK Mock Test-4

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 4

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 4

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) हिमाचल प्रदेश में विधान सभा के कितने सदस्य हैं -?
(A) 68
(B) 78
(D) 70

(2) सत्यानंद स्टोक्स कौन था-?
(A) हिमाचल सरकार का एक मंत्री
(B) हिमाचल में बसा एक धर्म प्रचारक
(C)हिमाचल का प्रथम राज्यपाल
(D) एक इतिहासकार

HPTET GK Mock Test-3

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 3

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 3

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) शिलाक या शिलारू (हॉकी का दुनिया में सबसे ऊँचा हॉकी स्टेडियम) कौन से जिले में स्थित है-
(A) शिमला
(B) धर्मशाला
(D) किन्नौर

(2) शिलारू स्टेडियम समुद्र तल से कितनी ऊंचाई पर स्थित है-
(A) 2250m
(B) 2350m
(D) 2450m

HPTET GK Mock Test-2

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 2

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 2

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) काँगड़ा जिले के किस स्थान "अभ्रक" पाया जाता है-
(A) मुरदी
(B) अरांग
(D) चेतान

(2) 126 मेगावाट की लारजी जल-विघुत परियोजना कहाँ स्थित है-
(A) मंडी
(B) मनाली
(D) कुल्लू

HPTET GK Mock Test-1

 Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 1

Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge(HPGK)Questions || सामान्य ज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर सहित #Set 1

Welcome to our exclusive collections of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice questions with answers based on Himachal Pradesh General Studies, Himachal Pradesh History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy . Here we are providing you hundblues of Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) question to solve. All questions are of multiple choice type.

Following Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge (HPGK) multiple choice objective type questions and answers help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET KCC bank ,Patwari, Forest Guard, HP CMAT, HPSSSB, HPAS,UPSE, SSC etc.exams.

Question 1-10

(1) हिमाचल प्रदेश के राजकीय वृक्ष का नाम-
(A) देवदार
(B) पीपल
(C) नीम
(D) सागवान

(2) पीर-पंजाल कौन से जिले में स्थित है-
(A) कुल्लू
(B) मण्डी
(D) बिलासपुर

HPTET-Psychology-Mock test-12

 Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 12

Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 12

Welcome to our exclusive collections of child psychology and pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers. Child development is the very important section for TET exams. In this section 30 question will be asked and candidates can score above 25+ marks easily. In this section mainly questions asked from inclusive Education, child development, and learning pedagogy click given below link in bottom of each page for complete study notes of child development.

Question 1-10

Question: 1

It is advantage of giving home work that students-

[A].  remain busy at home
[B].   study at home
[C].   may be checked for their progress
[D].   may develop habit of self-study

Question: 2

The normal twelve year old child is most likely to:

[A].  Have difficulty with gross motor coordination
[B].   Have anxiety feelings about pleasing adults
[C].   Have feelings about pleasing adults
[D].   Be eager for peer approval

Question: 3

The reason why students run from school is

[A].  Lack of interesting class teaching work
[B].   Lack of interest in studies on the part of students
[C].   Not giving punishment to students
[D].   Callous attitude of teachers towards the problem

Question: 4

As a child observes, liquid is transferred from a tall, thin tube into a short, wide jar. The child is asked if there is now less liquid in order to determine if she has mastered:

[A].  The schema for liquids
[B].   The concept of object permanence
[C].   The concept of conservation
[D].   The ability to reason abstractly

Question: 5

You find a student to be intelligent. You will

[A].  Remain pleased with him
[B].   Not give him additional homework
[C].   Motivate him so that he can make more progress
[D].   Inform his parents about the fact that he is intelligent

Question: 6

Which of the following is important for a teacher to do?

[A].  Help the students to get food marks
[B].   Build the character of the students
[C].   Maintain discipline in the class
[D].   Do justice to teaching

Question: 7

If some students are not in a mood to study in the class, you will

[A].  Force them to study
[B].   Tell those students to leave the class and enjoy
[C].   Warn them that they must study else you will report the matter to the Principal
[D].   Tell them some interesting things related to their interests or your own subject

Question: 8

Child development is defined as a field of study that

[A].  Examines change in human abilities.
[B].   Seeks to explain behaviour across the life span.
[C].   Compares children to adults to senior citizens.
[D].   Accounts for the gradual evolution of the child's cognitive, social, and other capacities.

Question: 9

I am 3 years old, can use language, and have trouble taking another personÍs perspective. I am in PiagetÍs stage of cognitive development.

[A].  Sensorimotor
[B].   Preoperational
[C].   Concrete operational
[D].   Formal operational

Question: 10

The term ïidentical elementsÍ is closely associated with:

[A].  Group instruction
[B].   Transfer of learning
[C].   Jealousy between twins
[D].   Similar test questions


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Visit  https://hptet-sure-success.blogspot.com/  for a complete list of exam quizzes, Child development, Inclusive Education, Social Studies, Geography, Polity Social Issue, Social Science, complete study material,aptitude tests, Practice sets,HPTET,Engineering Interview, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, most frequently asked,tests,HPTET Questions and Answers, Engineering Multiple choice, MCQ Questions on various subjects and topics and much more.

HPTET-Psychology-Mock test-11

 Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 11

Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 11

Welcome to our exclusive collections of child psychology and pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers. Child development is the very important section for TET exams. In this section 30 question will be asked and candidates can score above 25+ marks easily. In this section mainly questions asked from inclusive Education, child development, and learning pedagogy click given below link in bottom of each page for complete study notes of child development.

Question 1-10

Question: 1

When the students become failed, it can be understood that-

[A].  The system has failed
[B].   The teachers failure
[C].   The text-books failure
[D].   The individual student's failure

Question: 2

The current view of childhood assumes that

[A].  Children are similar to adults in most ways.
[B].   Children are best treated as young adults.
[C].   Childhood is basically a "waiting period."
[D].   Childhood is a unique period of growth and change.

Question: 3

A teacher uses audio-visual aids and physical activities in her teaching because they

[A].  provide a diversion to learners
[B].   utilize maximum number of senses to enhance learning
[C].   provide relief to the teacher
[D].   facilitate effective assessment

Question: 4

In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advised to

[A].  Tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can
[B].   Ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them
[C].   Coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do well anyway
[D].   Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test

Question: 5

A normal child of twelve years of age is most likely to

[A].  Have difficulty with gross motor coordination
[B].   Have feelings of anxiety about pleasing adults
[C].   Confine his/her interests to here and now
[D].   Be eager for peer approval

Question: 6

The purpose of basic education scheme is-

[A].  universalization of primary education
[B].   to vocationalise the eduction
[C].   to fulfil basic need of persons through education
[D].   to make education compulsory for all

Question: 7

When a teacher involves a visually challenged learner in group activities with the other learners of the class, she is

[A].  helping all the learners to develop sympathy towards the visually challenged learner
[B].   likely to increase the stress on the visually challenged learner
[C].   creating barriers to learning for the class
[D].   acting according to the spirit of inclusive education

Question: 8

Creative writing should be an activity planned for

[A].  Only those children reading on grade level
[B].   Only those children who can spell and also, can write cohesive sentences
[C].   Only those children who want to write for the newspaper of the class
[D].   All children

Question: 9

The success of teacher is-

[A].   high achievement of students
[B].   good traits of his/her personality
[C].   his/her good teaching
[D].   his/her good character

Question: 10

Of the following, the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline is to

[A].  Note specific infractions of class rules in the marking book
[B].   Evaluate his/her materials, methods and approaches to children
[C].   Consult the class and agree upon a graduated series of punishments
[D].   Call a parent ? teacher meeting to discuss the situation


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Visit  https://hptet-sure-success.blogspot.com/  for a complete list of exam quizzes, Child development, Inclusive Education, Social Studies, Geography, Polity Social Issue, Social Science, complete study material,aptitude tests, Practice sets,HPTET,Engineering Interview, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, most frequently asked,tests,HPTET Questions and Answers, Engineering Multiple choice, MCQ Questions on various subjects and topics and much more.

HPTET-Psychology-Mock test-10

 Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 10

Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 10

Welcome to our exclusive collections of child psychology and pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers. Child development is the very important section for TET exams. In this section 30 question will be asked and candidates can score above 25+ marks easily. In this section mainly questions asked from inclusive Education, child development, and learning pedagogy click given below link in bottom of each page for complete study notes of child development.

Question 1-10

Question: 1

When a pupils misbehavior persists even through the teacher punishes the child for each infraction, the teacher is probably practicing a policy of

[A].  Retribution
[B].   Corporal punishment
[C].   Negative reinforcement
[D].   Sarcasm

Question: 2

A successful teacher is one who

[A].  Maintains discipline in the class
[B].   Knows his subject very well
[C].   Can communicate his knowledge properly
[D].   Understands studentÕs psychology and teaches accordingly

Question: 3

One of the strong points of behaviour theory is its

[A].  Belief that cognitive processes are irrelevant for understanding development.
[B].   Emphasis on the relationship between environmental stimuli and children's behaviour.
[C].   Emphasis on reducing children's behaviour to fine-grained elements.
[D].   Emphasis on the role of information processing as a mediator between behaviour and environment.

Question: 4

The statement ' Majority of the people are average, a few very bright and few very dull' is based on the established principle of

[A].  Growth of intelligence
[B].   Intelligence and sex differences
[C].   Intelligence and racial differences
[D].   Distribution of intelligence

Question: 5

The aim of education should be-

[A].  To develop vocational skills in the students
[B].   To develop social awareness in the students
[C].   To prepare the students for examination
[D].   To prepare the students for practical life

Question: 6

Special Education is related to

[A].  Adult education programmes
[B].   Educational programmes for the disabled
[C].   Educational programmes for talented students
[D].   Teachers training programmes

Question: 7

It is said that the teacher should be resourceful. This means that

[A].  He should have enough money and property so that he may not have to take up tuitions
[B].   He should have contacts in the highest echelons of power so that he may not be harmed
[C].   He should have adequate knowledge base so that he may be able to solve the problems of his students
[D].   He should have good reputation among students so that the authorities of the school may not be able to take any punitive measure against him

Question: 8

You have been told to accommodate two mentally retarded children in your class. You will

[A].  Refuse to accept them as your students
[B].   Tell the Principal to accommodate them in another class that is exclusively meant for mentally retarded children
[C].   Learn techniques to teach such students and accept them as a part of your class
[D].   None of These

Question: 9

When a teacher involves a visually challenge learner in group activities with the other learners of the class, she is

[A].  acting according to the spirit of inclusive education
[B].   helping all the learners to develop sympathy towards the visually challenged learner
[C].   likely to increase the stress on the visually challenged learner
[D].   creating barriers to learning for the class

Question: 10

A teacher uses audio-visual aids and physical activities in her teaching because they

[A].  facilitate effective assessment
[B].   provide a diversion to learners
[C].   utilize maximum number of senses to enhance learning
[D].   provide relief to the teacher


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Visit  https://hptet-sure-success.blogspot.com/  for a complete list of exam quizzes, Child development, Inclusive Education, Social Studies, Geography, Polity Social Issue, Social Science, complete study material,aptitude tests, Practice sets,HPTET,Engineering Interview, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, most frequently asked,tests,HPTET Questions and Answers, Engineering Multiple choice, MCQ Questions on various subjects and topics and much more.