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HPTET-Psychology-Mock test-4

 Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 4

Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 4

Welcome to our exclusive collections of child psychology and pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers. Child development is the very important section for TET exams. In this section 30 question will be asked and candidates can score above 25+ marks easily. In this section mainly questions asked from inclusive Education, child development, and learning pedagogy click given below link in bottom of each page for complete study notes of child development.

Question 1-10

Question: 1

The purpose of basic education scheme is—

[A].  universalization of primary education
[B].   to vocationalise the eduction
[C].   to fulfil basic need of persons through education
[D].   to make education compulsory for all

Question: 2

You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do?

[A].  you will allow him to ask unrelated question
[B].   you will not allow him to ask unrealated question
[C].   you will consider it indiscipline and punish him
[D].   you will answer the question after the class

Question: 3

If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will—

[A].  start giving tuition at home
[B].   remain at home till you get a job
[C].   take some another job
[D].   continue applying for teaching

Question: 4

A teacher can motivate the students by—

[A].  giving suitable prizes
[B].   giving proper guidance
[C].   giving examples
[D].   delivering speech in class

Question: 5

If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will—

[A].  ignore him
[B].   award less marks in examination
[C].   talk to his/her parents
[D].   rebuke him

Question: 6

At least one third of the learning that will determine later levels of school achievement has already taken place by age six. This is a statement most closely associated with the writings of:

[A].  Benjamin Bloom
[B].   Margaret Mead
[C].   Martin Mayer
[D].   Fritiz Redl

Question: 7

Vygotsky proposed that child development is

[A].  Due to genetic components of a culture.
[B].   A product of social interaction.
[C].   A product of formal education.
[D].   A product of assimilation and accommodation.

Question: 8

The students of first standard are making a noise. In order to calm them down, you will

[A].  Scold them
[B].   Tell them to go to the playground and play
[C].   Tell them a story
[D].   Do nothing

Question: 9

The reason to students not taking interest in studies is that

[A].  They do not visualize good future in studies
[B].   They lack good values
[C].   Their parents/ guardians are callouts towards their academic needs
[D].   The academic curriculum is not of right contents/quality

Question: 10

All but one of the following is a task of adulthood according to Erikson's theory.

[A].  Initiative vs. Guilt
[B].   Intimacy vs. Isolation
[C].   Generativity vs. Stagnation
[D].   Ego integrity vs. Despair


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