Child Development and Pedagogy | बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र : प्रैक्टिस सेट - 5
Welcome to our exclusive collections of child psychology and pedagogy multiple choice questions with answers. Child development is the very important section for TET exams. In this section 30 question will be asked and candidates can score above 25+ marks easily. In this section mainly questions asked from inclusive Education, child development, and learning pedagogy click given below link in bottom of each page for complete study notes of child development.
Question 1-10
Question: 1
Of the following, the main purpose of state certification of teachers is to
[A]. Monitor the quality of teacher training institutions[B]. Provide for a uniform standard of entry-level teacher competency throughout the state
[C]. Exclude from the profession those not trained in pedagogy
[D]. Exclude from the profession those who are mentally unhealthy
Question: 2
The key difference between evolutionary and cultural change is that evolutionary change alters __________ whereas cultural change alters ____________.
[A]. Reproduction; environment[B]. Heredity; environment
[C]. Environment; behaviour
[D]. Development; learning
Question: 3
The incorrectly associated pair is
[A]. Joseph Lancaster –contract plan[B]. Benjamin Franklin-academy
[C]. James B Conant –high school
[D]. Horace Mann –elementary education
Question: 4
Which of the following forms of mental retardation is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome?
[A]. Down syndrome[B]. Cretinism
[C]. PKU
[D]. Cultural-familial retardation
Question: 5
The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through-
[A]. Reduction of the weight of curriculum[B]. Sympathy of teachers
[C]. Attractive environment of the school
[D]. Encouragement of the students
Question: 6
A parent of a fourth grader refuse to give permission for her child to go on a class trip. The teacher should first:
[A]. Refer the matter to the guidance counselor[B]. Confer with the parent to discuss the educational purpose of the trip
[C]. Give the class a homework assignment for all parents to sign; giving reasons why each child wants to go on the trip
[D]. Ask another teacher in the same grade to take that child on the day of the trip
Question: 7
The cognitive structures into which children organize their behaviour and knowledge are called
[A]. Accommodations[B]. Frameworks
[C]. Operations
[D]. Schemata
Question: 8
An increase in comprehension skill is most likely to result from:
[A]. Guided silent reading[B]. Guided oral reading
[C]. Unstructured silent reading
[D]. The teacher reading to the class
Question: 9
Education is called a triangular process. Which are the three sides of the triangle?
[A]. School, Knowledge, Teacher[B]. Books, School, Teacher
[C]. Social environment, Teacher and Students
[D]. None of these
Question: 10
Piaget claimed that all of the following are true of his stages of cognitive development EXCEPT:
[A]. All children progress through the various stages at exactly the same age.[B]. All children throughout the world pass through the stages in the same order.
[C]. All normal children reach the stage of concrete operations.
[D]. The changes from stage to stage can sometimes be very abrupt.
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- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-1
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-2
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-3
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-4
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-5
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-6
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-7
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-8
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-9
- Child Development and Pedagogy MCQ | SET-10
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