TET-CTET Chemistry MCQ Type Questions set-3
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Following chemistry multiple choice objective type questions and answers will help you in many competitive written examinations and interview like TET, CTET UPSE, SSC etc.exams. Chemistry MCQ Type Questions, Model practice papers, Sample and Mock Test Question Paper, All these chemistry MCQ question are based on the syllabus for your better exam preparation. If you need more chemistry MCQ Type questions sample or model practice papers, you can request us by just post a comment.
Question 1-10
(A)Zinc sulphide
(B)Zinc oxide
(C)Zinc chloride
(D)Zinc sulphate
(2) The other name of anode rays is ………………
(A) Canal rays
(B) Cathode rays
(C) Gamma rays
(D) X rays
(3) The negatively charged particles are …………….
(A) Neutrons
(B) Protons
(C) Electrons
(D) Cations
(4) Proton can be defined as …………………
(A) Helium ion
(B) Hydrogen ion
(C) anion
(D) cation
(5) The relative charge of proton is ……………
(A) -1
(B) +1
(C) 0
(D) -2
(6) The relative charge of electron is ………………..
(A) -1
(B) . +1
(C) -2
(D) . +2
(7) The positively charged particles obtained from Hydrogen gas are called ……………..
(A) Electrons
(B) Neutrons
(C) Protons
(D) Positron
(8) Anode rays are made up of …………… particles
(A) Negatively charged
(B) Positively charged
(C) neutral
(D) Partly charged
(9) Thomson’s model of atom is popularly known as ……………..
(A) Plum pudding model
(B) Ball-stick model
(C) Boat-chain model
(D) Orange fruit model
(10) The same proportion of carbon and oxygen in carbon-dioxide obtained from different sources proves the law of …………….
(A) Reciprocal Proportion
(B) Definite proportion
(C) multiple proportion
(D) none
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